
Basic Energy Corp

Total capacity of implemented projects

50 - 250 MW

Countries of projects presence


Basic Energy Corp is a Philippine-based company that has been developing renewable energy projects since 2007. The company's focus is on developing sustainable energy solutions that will help reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change. Basic Energy Corp has been actively pursuing projects in the biofuels and geothermal sectors, both of which have significant potential for growth in the Philippines.

Biofuels are a type of renewable energy that is derived from organic matter, such as plants and crops. These fuels can be used to power vehicles, heat buildings, and generate electricity. Basic Energy Corp has been exploring the potential of biofuels in the Philippines, which has a large agricultural sector. The company has been working on developing biofuel projects that use locally grown crops, such as coconut and sugarcane, to produce ethanol and biodiesel.

One of Basic Energy Corp's most significant biofuel projects is the Batangas Biofuel Plant. This plant is located in the Batangas province and has a production capacity of 54 million liters of ethanol per year. The plant uses sugarcane as its primary feedstock and produces ethanol that is used as a fuel additive in gasoline. The Batangas Biofuel Plant has been operational since 2016 and is one of the largest biofuel plants in the Philippines.

Basic Energy Corp has also been exploring the potential of using coconut oil as a biofuel. The company has been working on developing a project that will produce biodiesel from coconut oil. The project will use locally sourced coconut oil as its primary feedstock and will have a production capacity of 10 million liters per year. The biodiesel produced by this project will be used as a fuel additive in diesel fuel.

In addition to biofuels, Basic Energy Corp has also been actively pursuing projects in the geothermal sector. Geothermal energy is a type of renewable energy that is generated from the heat of the earth's core. The Philippines is one of the most geothermally active countries in the world and has significant potential for geothermal energy development.

Basic Energy Corp has been working on developing geothermal projects in several locations throughout the Philippines. One of the company's most significant geothermal projects is the Mabini Geothermal Project. This project is located in the Batangas province and has a potential capacity of 120 megawatts. The project is still in the exploration phase, but Basic Energy Corp is optimistic about its potential.

Another geothermal project that Basic Energy Corp has been working on is the East Mankayan Geothermal Project. This project is located in the Benguet province and has a potential capacity of 60 megawatts. The project is still in the exploration phase, but Basic Energy Corp is confident that it has significant potential for geothermal energy development.

Basic Energy Corp's focus on renewable energy development is in line with the Philippine government's goal of increasing the country's renewable energy capacity. The government has set a target of generating 15,304 megawatts of renewable energy by 2030, which is equivalent to 35% of the country's total energy capacity. Basic Energy Corp's projects in the biofuels and geothermal sectors will help contribute to this target and help reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels.

In addition to its renewable energy projects, Basic Energy Corp has also been actively pursuing partnerships and collaborations with other companies in the energy sector. The company has signed several memorandums of understanding with other companies to explore potential joint ventures and collaborations.

One of these partnerships is with Trans-Asia Oil and Energy Development Corporation. The two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore potential geothermal projects in the Philippines. The partnership will leverage Basic Energy Corp's expertise in geothermal energy development and Trans-Asia's experience in power generation.

Basic Energy Corp has also signed a memorandum of understanding with PetroGreen Energy Corporation to explore potential renewable energy projects in the Philippines. The partnership will focus on developing projects in the biofuels, geothermal, and solar sectors.

Overall, Basic Energy Corp is a company that is committed to developing sustainable energy solutions in the Philippines. The company's focus on renewable energy development in the biofuels and geothermal sectors will help reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to the government's target of increasing the country's renewable energy capacity. With its partnerships and collaborations with other companies in the energy sector, Basic Energy Corp is well-positioned to continue its growth and contribute to the development of a sustainable energy future for the Philippines.